Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ampersand Reflection

The thing that I am most proud of improving in my writing this year is how I now use punctuation to control the speed at which my audience reads. In my artist statement for American Icon project i had the habit of creating long and very runny paragraphs. This was causing my writing to seem to difficult to read. As the months went by, Media Saves the Beach came and went, and along with it was my artist statement. For this piece my writing became more structured, detailed, and having the correct pace at which readers could connect to my project. One of my future goals is to master 3 specific writing tips, vary the length of paragraphs, make meaning early, and also to create concerts, not pancakes. Combining all these tips will help with creating better, more focused, and a stronger foundation for my future writing pieces.




Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back from the Dead

If I was able to bring a historical figure back fro the dead, i would bring Franklin D. Roosevelt. I think that being able to learn from a person who had the ability to win over peoples minds and hearts is something can be priceless in the line of work i would like to get into. I would love if FDR to be a close friend in college. He could help me with the debate team and maybe even with class president! The possibilities are endless. I chose this person because I feel like he had a certain characteristic of charisma.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Back from the Dead

If I was to bring any character to life from the books we have read together in class, I believe that I would bring back Kurt Vonnegut himself (although he was a real person). Just the thought of being able to ask him so many question of why he wrote things a certain way it would just make me feel awesome. There are so many question that I would like to ask him, for example if slaughterhouse 5 is a pro life book or if it’s a anti-war book, who are the people who influenced him, what were his thoughts while writing a book that t almost 20 years. It seems that Kurt Vonnegut would play the role of mentor in a way for the fact that I would love to be able to write like him. Having the ability to put subliminal messages into writing and have to force the readers to think deeper into what they are reading. One of the things that I have been wondering while we read this book, what did Kurt Vonnegut meant to say in “nothing is true, everything is permitted” does he believe in a higher power? Or is he simply making fun of religion. So many questions, so little time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Refelction

1. What I believe the prosecution was trying to fight was the fact that Sb1070 was not giving immigrants the right to a fair trial, and also that this law was unconstitutional. The prosecution also argued that the state government does not have the right to make international laws such as immigration laws. With the law Sb1070 Raul Grivalja stated that law enforcement agencies are abusing their power and basically racially profiling many people including legal and illegal immigrants.

2. The defense was arguing that the law was to protect the actual illegal immigrants because of the temperatures that Arizona has seen, Also that they were tired of asking the federal government for help so they were going to take action. When the governor of Arizona came to the witness stand she stated that her office had been sending letters, emails and making phone calls to get the help from the federal government but the federal government did not come to help them. Sb1070 was to me a call for help to the federal government saying that if they did not take action then the state of Arizona would.

3. The biggest piece of evidence tat I saw presented in the trial was how Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was presented as a racist and how he racially profiles legal and illegal Mexican making them wear pink clothes in jails and basically stripping them from their human rights. Another big evidence that I thought really convinced the jury was how in the SB1070 there is not sentence that states that illegal immigrants would get a fair trail. All they would be given would be and “investigation” which means really means they could just be thrown out back into Mexico.

4. The most significant argument was how cops and other law enforcement agencies are abusing their powers and the fact that this law is basically legalizing racial profiling. I believe that these two arguments were the ones that made the jury decide. They are strong arguments because of how we believe that cops should be there to help and keep the peace but when we figure out that they abuse their powers then it makes people insecure. Causing you to fear that if the police cant help then who can?

5. I personally do agree with the jury because I feel that this law is only legalizing racial profiling and allowing police and other law enforcement agencies to abuse of their powers given to them by the state and federal laws. This law will only cause he state of Arizona to go down in economics and in many other aspects. For example I read the news paper saying that The Major League Baseball wants to transfer the Arizona Diamondbacks to Calexico due to the fact that the players are offended by the Arizona Sb1070 and they feel that they would be stopped by the cops just because of their race.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Viva La Raza! Trial Aginst the State of Arizona.

Viva la Raza!

Beginning Time: 12:34

End Time:

Judge: Randy Scherer

Bailiff: Kurt


Defense: Nathan & Jasmine

Prosecution: Calvin Brown & Magda Aguirre

Video Recording: Amber Torres

As Mr. Brown presents his opening statement he sets the pace of what this trial will look like. Calling witnesses to prove that the Arizona law sb1070 and hb2162 are unconstitutional and how it violates the spirit of immigration. The opening statement from the defense was read, no rehearsed and truly states how the defense does not believe their own statement.

Prosecution Witness:

James Madison

Statement: The law of Arizona is violating the constitution by getting into federal laws of immigration when they cannot do that.

John Adams:

Its more important that communities are kept safe and SB1070 is violating that statement.

Raul G.: Grigama

States that the cops are violating their power incarcerating illegal AND legal immigrants. Groups that are do like racial profiling is getting more power now more than ever.

Following the unrehearsed questioning of the statement from the defense, the defense rushed to get their evidence in order due to their sloppy preparations and lack of professionalism. The prosecution seems to be getting the upper hand in the trial, convincing the jury that their statement is true and not the defense.

Postponed for 24 hours, session to begin tomorrow May 12th 2010 at 10:45 AM

Monday, April 26, 2010

Letters From War

Basic Info:

3. My letters are going to be thoughtful, in the way that hey have deep meaningful considerations of why were are at war, romantic letters for girlfriend and have a touch of religion based comments.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Modern War

Eagles Nest

One of the things that interests me a lot about world war 2 is how this is the war were experimenting really took off. The way that the battle field was changing constantly and the different weapons on the front lines was causing for the military to find new solutions for different problems. One of the solutions was the invention of paratroopers, these where the mean who just couple hours before the Normandy landings, flew over the beaches and parachuted down to capture key strategic brides road and other objectives. To this day paratroopers are being used by the army, being in the front lines of Afghanistan they are a key group of elite soldiers whose origin can be traced back to the beginnings of World War 2.

To this day you can find documentary’s of these men during World War 2. One of these is the HBO mini series Band of Brothers. The documentary follows Easy Co. through the entire war from D-Day to Bastogne and to the end of the war where they were the first to get to the famous Hitler’s Eagles Nest, the personal retreat for Hitler during the war given to him by his officials for his 50th birthday.