Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Refelction

1. What I believe the prosecution was trying to fight was the fact that Sb1070 was not giving immigrants the right to a fair trial, and also that this law was unconstitutional. The prosecution also argued that the state government does not have the right to make international laws such as immigration laws. With the law Sb1070 Raul Grivalja stated that law enforcement agencies are abusing their power and basically racially profiling many people including legal and illegal immigrants.

2. The defense was arguing that the law was to protect the actual illegal immigrants because of the temperatures that Arizona has seen, Also that they were tired of asking the federal government for help so they were going to take action. When the governor of Arizona came to the witness stand she stated that her office had been sending letters, emails and making phone calls to get the help from the federal government but the federal government did not come to help them. Sb1070 was to me a call for help to the federal government saying that if they did not take action then the state of Arizona would.

3. The biggest piece of evidence tat I saw presented in the trial was how Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was presented as a racist and how he racially profiles legal and illegal Mexican making them wear pink clothes in jails and basically stripping them from their human rights. Another big evidence that I thought really convinced the jury was how in the SB1070 there is not sentence that states that illegal immigrants would get a fair trail. All they would be given would be and “investigation” which means really means they could just be thrown out back into Mexico.

4. The most significant argument was how cops and other law enforcement agencies are abusing their powers and the fact that this law is basically legalizing racial profiling. I believe that these two arguments were the ones that made the jury decide. They are strong arguments because of how we believe that cops should be there to help and keep the peace but when we figure out that they abuse their powers then it makes people insecure. Causing you to fear that if the police cant help then who can?

5. I personally do agree with the jury because I feel that this law is only legalizing racial profiling and allowing police and other law enforcement agencies to abuse of their powers given to them by the state and federal laws. This law will only cause he state of Arizona to go down in economics and in many other aspects. For example I read the news paper saying that The Major League Baseball wants to transfer the Arizona Diamondbacks to Calexico due to the fact that the players are offended by the Arizona Sb1070 and they feel that they would be stopped by the cops just because of their race.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Viva La Raza! Trial Aginst the State of Arizona.

Viva la Raza!

Beginning Time: 12:34

End Time:

Judge: Randy Scherer

Bailiff: Kurt


Defense: Nathan & Jasmine

Prosecution: Calvin Brown & Magda Aguirre

Video Recording: Amber Torres

As Mr. Brown presents his opening statement he sets the pace of what this trial will look like. Calling witnesses to prove that the Arizona law sb1070 and hb2162 are unconstitutional and how it violates the spirit of immigration. The opening statement from the defense was read, no rehearsed and truly states how the defense does not believe their own statement.

Prosecution Witness:

James Madison

Statement: The law of Arizona is violating the constitution by getting into federal laws of immigration when they cannot do that.

John Adams:

Its more important that communities are kept safe and SB1070 is violating that statement.

Raul G.: Grigama

States that the cops are violating their power incarcerating illegal AND legal immigrants. Groups that are do like racial profiling is getting more power now more than ever.

Following the unrehearsed questioning of the statement from the defense, the defense rushed to get their evidence in order due to their sloppy preparations and lack of professionalism. The prosecution seems to be getting the upper hand in the trial, convincing the jury that their statement is true and not the defense.

Postponed for 24 hours, session to begin tomorrow May 12th 2010 at 10:45 AM