Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Viva La Raza! Trial Aginst the State of Arizona.

Viva la Raza!

Beginning Time: 12:34

End Time:

Judge: Randy Scherer

Bailiff: Kurt


Defense: Nathan & Jasmine

Prosecution: Calvin Brown & Magda Aguirre

Video Recording: Amber Torres

As Mr. Brown presents his opening statement he sets the pace of what this trial will look like. Calling witnesses to prove that the Arizona law sb1070 and hb2162 are unconstitutional and how it violates the spirit of immigration. The opening statement from the defense was read, no rehearsed and truly states how the defense does not believe their own statement.

Prosecution Witness:

James Madison

Statement: The law of Arizona is violating the constitution by getting into federal laws of immigration when they cannot do that.

John Adams:

Its more important that communities are kept safe and SB1070 is violating that statement.

Raul G.: Grigama

States that the cops are violating their power incarcerating illegal AND legal immigrants. Groups that are do like racial profiling is getting more power now more than ever.

Following the unrehearsed questioning of the statement from the defense, the defense rushed to get their evidence in order due to their sloppy preparations and lack of professionalism. The prosecution seems to be getting the upper hand in the trial, convincing the jury that their statement is true and not the defense.

Postponed for 24 hours, session to begin tomorrow May 12th 2010 at 10:45 AM

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