Thursday, September 10, 2009

"The Big Loop"

The summery today was very interesting in the way that it helped me to see that I was going the total opposite way I wanted to go. My critique was Noah and he explained to me how I could use " The Loop" to try and make my readers more interested into what I wanted to tell them. So I tried to do that in this draft. Hope you like it. Any comments are welcome.

Artist Statement Draft 2.0:

To many people history is just another class to catch some sleep from the night before. I guess I would have been the first to snore in the class. It took a topic that really motivated me to not make me sleepy. On the day I read the book Band of Brothers, that day, gave me a reason to want to study more.

Movies interested me for a long time, just like many other people. After watching the entire series I decided that it would probably be very interesting to go in and study more on the subject of World War 2. Helping me to get an interest in history I went deeper and deeper almost to the point of obsession to try to find out more and more about it. “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom” said by a man who also inspired my movement into history, George S. Patton.

Between going from studying the airborne movement through Germany and Patton’s third army through Africa, I was able to find a sort of leverage into my ability to get an interest into things. I focused into studying and looking up books, articles, movies just to try to get a better understanding who these people were and why they decided to act when many just stood in the side lines.

Someone once said “a small key opens big doors” that was the reason for my success. I believed I had opened the doors to the kingdom of curiosity. They say that curiosity killed the cat; well to me the curiosity gave me a reason keep going forward. If we could all use this concept to be able to open the doors to try to motivate ourselves into the future and what we can do. Use the key to try to obtain leverage on your mind to be able to stay awake and interested anywhere from that boring faculty meeting, to that class where you simply fall asleep after the first two sentences.

The bet part about it is that you never know how small that key might be, to me, a book, to you maybe a simple movie. The thing to remember, always try to find that key.

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